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Techometric Surveying ,The Components of Techometric Surveying, Applications of Techometric Surveying, Advantages and Challenges

 Unveiling the Future of Surveying: A Deep Dive into Techometric Surveying In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, every industry is experiencing significant transformations. One such sector that's undergoing a remarkable revolution is surveying, where traditional methods are making way for more advanced and efficient techniques. Enter " Techometric Surveying " – a groundbreaking approach that promises to reshape the way we collect, analyze, and interpret data for various applications. Defining Techometric Surveying Techometric surveying, often referred to as "geomatics," is an innovative fusion of technology and geospatial sciences aimed at enhancing the accuracy, speed, and comprehensiveness of surveying processes. Unlike conventional surveying methods that heavily rely on manual measurements and equipment, techometric surveying leverages cutting-edge technologies such as laser scanning, GPS (Global Positioning System), remote sensing, and Geographic Inf

Compass Surveying ,Magnetic Declination, Bearing and Azimuth, Techniques and Applications of Compass Surveying, Radiation Surveys, Traverse Surveys

 Introduction In a world dominated by digital technology, the timeless art of compass surveying continues to hold its ground as an essential tool for land measurement, exploration, and navigation. Dating back centuries, the compass has played a pivotal role in shaping human understanding of the world. In this blog, we will delve into the fascinating realm of compass surveying, exploring its history, principles, techniques, and modern applications. The Historical Significance of Compass Surveying Compass surveying finds its origins in ancient civilizations, where travelers and explorers relied on magnetic compasses to find their way across vast lands and uncharted territories. The Chinese were among the first to use magnetic compasses for navigation, an innovation that would eventually reshape global exploration. Over time, compass surveying evolved, integrating mathematics and geometry to enhance accuracy and precision. Understanding the Compass and its Principles At its core, a compas

What is Topographic Survey , The Importance of Topographic Surveys . How is a Topographic Survey Conducted?

 Introduction In the world of land development, construction, and infrastructure planning, there exists a hidden hero that plays a crucial role in shaping our physical environment – the topographic survey. Often overlooked by the untrained eye, a topographic survey is an essential tool that empowers engineers, architects, urban planners, and various other professionals to make informed decisions when it comes to designing, building, and managing our cities and landscapes. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of topographic surveys, understanding what they are, why they matter, and how they are conducted. What is a Topographic Survey ? At its core, a topographic survey is a detailed representation of the physical features of a piece of land or area. Unlike traditional maps that only depict the horizontal positions of objects, a topographic survey goes beyond, providing a three-dimensional visualization of the land's surface and the natural and man-made features that inh

What is Theodolite, Uses of Theodolite and types of Theodolite

What is Theodolite    Theodolite is the instrument which is mainly used for taking horizontal and vertical angle up to 10" or 20" depending upon the least count of the instrument.  Uses of Theodolite There are many uses of Theodolite, the following are the different purposes for which the theodolite can be used.. 1. Measuring Horizontal Angle 2. Measuring Vertical Angle 3. Measuring Deflection Angle 4. Measuring Magnetic Bearing 5. Measuring Horizontal distance between two points 6. Finding Vertical Height of an object 7. Finding the different of elevation between various points 8. Ranging a Line  How many Types of Theodolite Theodolite may be of two types 1. Transit Theodolite 2. Non - Transit Theodolite Transit Theodolite :- In Transit Theodolite, the telescope can be revolved through a complete revolution about its horizontal axis in a vertical plane  Non - Transit Theodolite :- In Non - Transit Theodolite, the telescope can be revolved through a complete revolution in t

What is Janch of a Sheet

  What is Janch of a Sheet  After attestation of the record of rights of village generally completed , the sheet should be Junch thoroughly. An experienced Amin should be  apoined for this work. The following things should be particularly examined 1. Existence of a field without number is a serious mistake. 2. That the ends of the roads, canals, etc which cut through a village or sheet boundary of a adjoining sheet of the same village or of the adjacent village concerned. 3. That adequate partal has been run and that corrective actions have been taken where necessary 4. That village area has been duly passed in the khasra , the plot index , the khatian totals from the blank page in the khatian volume. 5. The boundary of village and sheet boundary have been compared 6. The Thoka Lines and the sheet thoka lines have been correctly drawn  7. The appropriate alamats have been drawn in pencil also where ever applicable 8. That the sheet heading, the name , etc of adjoining villages and the


                                      SETTING OUT OF CURVE Through this post   you are going to learn  1. What is curve setting ? 2. Type of curve in surveying or classification of curve? 3. Degree of curve . 4. Relation between Radius and degree of curve ? 4.  What are the different method of curve setting? 1. What is curve setting ? Let's assume AB is the direction of a road or railway . Due to some obstacle or some unavoidable circumstance we can not go forward . This is why we have to shift the direction of our road . The angle of change in the direction is known as deflection angle . This angle denoted as  Φ  . A vehicle to run easily along the road or railway trake these two line are connected by an arc this arc is known as a curve of a road or you can say Setting out of curve  . 2. Types of curve in surveying  Generally curve are two type   i. Horizontal Curve  ii. Vertical Curve      When the curve is provided into the horizontal plane is known as Horizontal Curve  . 

Surveying in Engineering

    Surveying in Engineering   By S. Islam - 10 jul 2020 Surveying is the most important part in Civil engineering as well as Construction Engineering. Without Surveying we can't start a construction such as road , railways , irrigation, canals , bridge etc .  Content  1. Definition of Surveying in Civil Engineering . 2. What is Levelling . 3. Uses of Surveying . 4. Classification of Surveying . 5. General principle of Surveying . SURVEYING :- Surveying is the art of dermining the relative position of different object on the surface of the earth.By measuring the horizontal distance between them and preparing a map to any suitable scale thus in this discipline the measurement are taken only in the horizontal plane .         Or We can say  Surveying is nothing but data collection . Lvelling :- Levelling is the art of dermining the relative vertical point on the surface of the earth , in the case of levelling the measurement are taken only