What is Janch of a Sheet
After attestation of the record of rights of village generally completed , the sheet should be Junch thoroughly. An experienced Amin should be apoined for this work. The following things should be particularly examined
1. Existence of a field without number is a serious mistake.
2. That the ends of the roads, canals, etc which cut through a village or sheet boundary of a adjoining sheet of the same village or of the adjacent village concerned.
3. That adequate partal has been run and that corrective actions have been taken where necessary
4. That village area has been duly passed in the khasra , the plot index , the khatian totals from the blank page in the khatian volume.
5. The boundary of village and sheet boundary have been compared
6. The Thoka Lines and the sheet thoka lines have been correctly drawn
7. The appropriate alamats have been drawn in pencil also where ever applicable
8. That the sheet heading, the name , etc of adjoining villages and the referances to Bata Plot numbers have been correctly entered
9. That for legible writing of plot numbers, insets in larger scales have been drawn wherever necessary
10. That Revenue Survey village boundaries, L. A. plans and municipal boundaries have been drawn on sheet margin .
11. That Common boundary plots if any have been duly marked with alamat and have been properly recorded .
12. That any stain or otherwise damage to the sheet have been initialled by the official responsible for that .
13. That the Bujharat and Attestation Registers of Corrections of Map , the Common Boundary Register, the Khatian Total Form , the Plot Index , the Mark List and the Referance List of notable objects are properly maintained , with necessary additions and alterations in the file .
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